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Mobile Dashboard & Completing a Round

Completing a security round is done on the mobile version of the site, also known as Mobile Worx, so that the Security Officer can check in using their mobile device. MobileWorx also allows them to view the Security Dashboard, submit work requests, report incidents, and add notes. *Note: We strongly recommend a mobile device with an LTE connection capability. If a security round requires a user to go into an area that has poor wi-fi connection, this will allow the security round to still be completed.

Watch the Video Tutorial:

Mobile Security Dashboard

The mobile version of the security dashboard offers the same basic information as the desktop dashboard, with a few features that are designed for the Security Officer who is out monitoring the grounds.

  • Daily Logs - Review the security activity from the last 24 hours. Tap the Sign Off button in the top right to record your signature confirming you have reviewed the daily log.
  • Upcoming Rounds - View the rounds that are due in the near future. This is where you will come when you are ready to begin a round.
  • Open Items - See a list of work orders that are assigned to you, as well as any incidents that have not been resolved.
  • Actions - While you will be able to add a work request, an incident, or a note to any security round while you are at a checkpoint, you can also choose to submit any of these things ad-hoc.


How to Complete a Security Round

  1. From the mobile version of the dashboard, tap on the Security tab at the top of the screen.
  2. In the Upcoming Rounds section, tap on the round you want to complete.
  3. Tap on the Start button.
  4. For each checkpoint, the name of the location will show at the top of the screen. If there is an image attached to the checkpoint, it will show below the name.


Checking In

  1. If the option is available to you, tap the Check In button to check in manually.
  2. If a barcode scan is required, choose the scan option you prefer to scan the barcode at the location. To learn more about scanning a barcode in Mobile Worx, click here. *Note: In order to check in with a barcode, you must use the pic2shop or Camera scanning option on the mobile version of your device.

Reporting an Incident

  1. To report an incident at this checkpoint, tap the Incident button.
  2. Enter the Incident Description, Details, and Category.
  3. Attach a photo if applicable.
  4. Tap Done in the top right of the screen.
  5. Once you tap Done, more options will be available to you at the bottom of the screen.
    1. Tap Parties to fill in information about the Staff member or Resident who was involved in the incident.
    2. Tap Add Work Request to submit a work request related to this incident.
    3. Tap Outcomes to enter any action steps that were taken, or to indicate that the issue is resolved.
    4. Tap Done to save any changes made, then tap Back to go back to the security round.


Submitting a Work Request

  1. To submit a request for this checkpoint, tap the Request button.
  2. Choose a Department from the drop down menu.
  3. Enter a work Description and Details.
  4. Choose a Source of Work.
  5. The Requestor will default to the user entering the request. Add a Requestor Phone number if applicable.
  6. Tap on Notify Others to list other Staff members or Residents who should receive updates.
  7. To attach a photo or other document, tap on the Attachments button.
  8. Tap Done to save the work request.


More Options

  1. Tap on the More button to view more options for this checkpoint.
    1. Tap the Skip Checkpoint button if you cannot check in at this location. You can come back to this checkpoint before completing the round if necessary.
    2. Tap the Note button to add any additional information needed about this checkpoint.
  2. Tap Next at the bottom of the screen to navigate to the next checkpoint in the round.
  3. When you reach the end of the round, tap the Mark Round Complete button.